Informed Healthcare Support in the UK

At SELF, we deliver informed healthcare support online to clients across the UK, focusing on self-help strategies for health and wellbeing. Contact us to find out more.


Our services

We offer an initial consultation to every client, allowing you to collaborate with one of our healthcare professionals on a plan for self-management of your condition with daily care routines.  We also offer seminars, workshops and presentations on specific topics around health self-care.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You have to love yourself to get things done in this world.”

Lucille Ball

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What does self-care mean?

Self-care means taking care of yourself so you can be healthy; you can be well; you can do your job; you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.

Self-Care helps to maintain physical and mental health and helps you to be better equipped to handle a range of stress factors.

While healthcare professionals have the expertise for the best treatments of health conditions, the individuals are best placed to know what will work for them, what motivates them and what they consider to be best for themselves. Hence the importance of individuals being supported, to enable self-confidence in managing their condition. It is a responsibility that has to be owned by the individual.

How does SELF help you?

  • SELF helps individuals learn to recognise warning signs.

  • We help individuals learn what steps to take in response to warning signs.

  • We work with you to identify personal warning signs or levels of symptom severity. that require an immediate response.

  • We review your emergency action plan.

  • We help you to write your Care Plan.
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How We Stay in Touch

Our SELF team are qualified and Registered healthcare professionals with vast experience in long and short term health conditions. The purpose is to work with members of the community to develop self-care managed skills.

The service will be carried out by the following means:

Zoom Meetings

Monthly Online Surgery

Workshops in Groups - Online

Telephone Conversations & Emails

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Online learning

We offer free online presentations where you can learn about specific aspects of self-care. These presentations will be held twice weekly for Group Sessions, on Mondays and Thursdays at 1:30pm - 2:30pm.

One- to-One private discussions will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 2.30 pm; and on Saturdays from 11.00 am to 12.30pm from the week commencing 17th October 2022.

We take a holistic approach to well-being in our presentations and cover:

  • Self-Care (Psychological, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual aspects)
  • Self-Leadership & Compassion
  • Self-Awareness and Responsibility
  • Self-Value & Purpose
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The community will have access to General exercise, Yoga, meditation, walking, in support of their well-being. Individual will also be supported to have a live care plan.


On a daily basis, individuals are in-charge of decisions impacting their health and as such they need to be seen as experts about their own lives and responsible for their health. However, individuals are not experts in their condition, so health  professionals need to equip them with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to be effective self-care managers.


When a patient-centred approach is applied, individuals will feel more empowered to care for their health, evidence suggests that there are improved outcome in the area of satisfaction ( for both individuals and healthcare professionals), adherence, as well as functional outcomes. Individuals trained in self-care management, feel more confident, less anxious, and better equipped to communicate with healthcare professionals.

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For informed online healthcare support,

contact us at

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